
Monday, December 1, 2008

IIUM Wireless : No. 1 Benchmark for Secure Wireless Depoyment in Malaysia ?

Unofficially, IIUM Wireless has become a reference model by other IPTA in Malaysia for campus wide wireless deployment. This rumours has been talked among the system integrators and vendors in Malaysia. FYI, UM has visited us for discussion and sharing experience which are related to wifi deployment. I have mentioned it  in my previous post. Click here.
IIUM has deployed a secured wireless infrastructure which is based on role-based identity authentication. IIUM is the first organization deploying this kind of authentication method in Malaysian. Thanks to Dr. Unggul for his experties and concern on wireless security issues in the beginning of design stage of wireless implementation. The facts can be obtained from this link. Click here.
This week, another higher learning institute will visit our campus for a specific discussion related to sharing and exchange experience with IIUM on deploying a secure wireless environment.
Why IIUM been chosen as a reference site ? Probably we are the first institute deploying in a large scale that connecting a few braches with a central wireless management. We have deployed almost 1000 APs recently with a multiple type of implementation. We have deployed a standard indoor wireless, indoor roaming wireless, indoor MESH wireless (for Jalan Duta and Damansara Campus) and high gain outdoor MESH wireless network. We also deployed master-local and local-local full redundancy. We have introduced inter and intra campus security previllages, where users can go to any IIUM campus without changging their wireless setting.  IIUM have come out a complete wireless policy and guideline. We have shared our experience establishing the wireless policy and network policy with UTHM during their educational visit to our office last month.
We are very satisfied with our current infrastructure, functionalities and performance. Some of the key features that we have deployed is Role base access control, bandwidth prioritization and an ICSA certified stateful firewall. With these features, ITD are able to adopt several wireless future applications such as voice and video over WIFI.
We would like to exchange experience and colloboration with other IPTA for future deployment which may related to IP Telephony Deployment, Voice over WiFi, Dual and redundancy Leased Line, backbone using FSO, 10G deployment, in-house broadcasting deployment, campus RFID deployment or etc.

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