
Friday, September 30, 2011

The Summary of Steve Jobs Journey

This is the summary of Steve Journey

Then I say:

iWant iPhone 5

Friday, July 29, 2011

JobStreet Scam Alert

I have received this alert. Good info for the job seeker out there.

We've noticed an increase in the amount of job scams recently. Scammers are pretending to be reputable Multinational Corporations, including Oil and Gas companies, and sending jobseekers an email confirming how they have been accepted for an interview overseas.

This would of course cost money to the jobseeker (air tickets, lodging, food etc.) but the letter states that the company is willing to 'sponsor' 100% of the jobseekers' expenses. The catch? Jobseekers will have to pay a 'refundable' deposit of USD$100 upwards. Needless to say once that fee has been paid, the victim realizes that no flights or lodgings have been reserved and that the interview offer is false.

A sample of communication emails from scammers, including screen shots, can be found on our JobStreet Forum at

Check out our Community Digest at for more examples of common scam tactics.

We also have a Safe Job Search Guide at with further tips and guidelines on what you can do if you do come across possible scams.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

NAT Firewall Setting for Aruba Wireless Controller

The setting of Network Address Translation (NAT) in Aruba Wireless controller can be done via rules in a firewall set or an entire VLAN can be NAT’d. The VLAN NAT uses a dynamic (DHCP or PPPoE) public interface as the IP address through a dynamic NAT pool and the use of the dynamic-session-acl. NAT rules in a firewall policy can also use this pool, or a NAT pool to be configured to provide an IP range for the NAT. You can configure a NATpool by navigating the Aruba UI to the 

Configuration > Network > IP > NAT Pools.

Aruba controller has three NAT options setting which are SRC-NAT, DST-NAT and DUAL-NAT.

src-nat: Performs network address translation (NAT) on packets matching the rule. When this option is selected, you need to select a NAT pool. (If this pool is not configured, you configure a NAT pool by navigating to the 

Configuration > Network > IP > NAT Pools.

dst-nat: This option redirects traffic to the configured IP address and destination port. An example of this option is to redirect a
ll HTTP packets to the captive portal port on the Aruba controller as used in the pre-defined policy called “captiveportal”.

dual-nat: This option performs both source and destination NAT on packets matching the rule.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Multimedia-grade over wireless

Today, I got a chance attending a product showcase session with the guy in the video below: Robert Fenstermacher, at Hilton Kuala Lumpur. The event organized by Synergy TechWave.

I'm quite impress on its solution for making a multimedia over wireless more durable. Actually, we have planned couple of project in the future to improve our educational digital infrastructure. We are looking forward for a in-house IPTV over wifi (multicast), in-house Voice over wifi (VoWifi) and Video over wifi (unicast) solutions.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

BlueCat vs InfoBlox : 2011

Mid of last year, we have seen a total solution of IPAM, DHCP and DNS from Infoblox. The PoC set up by Mr. Chris Wan. Along the PoC, I’m satisfied with all the features introduced by Infoblox. It really suit IIUM future planning on convergence infrastructure. After the director remarks on the early January 2011, IT Division of IIUM will embark on cloud computing, convergence system and ubiquitous network. Definitely, IIUM require structured DNS infrastructure, centralized DHCP and enterprise IP Address Management (IPAM) system.
Today, we need to see another solution on IPAM, DCHP and DNS. The presentation presented by Rick Choo from BlueCat Networks. Overall presentation shows the strength of BlueCat on IPV6 enrollment. What impress me, a reputable non-microsoft based company (PNC info) is world-widely using BlueCat solutions. To compare between InfoBlox and BlueCat… we need to perform PoC for certain period.